Home Games
For home games, students are usually "off" from the end of school until "call time". Call time is when students should be at the band hall. This times will be sent out in the weekly update each week. Call time for Home Games will typically be around 6PM. For away games please see the weekly update for a schedule. Sometimes students will have time off after school but other times we may actually be leaving before school ends, depending on where the game is. Students and Parents should pay close attention so that all supplies and equipment are prepared for the game.
Full marching uniforms are kept at the band hall for use as we need them, these uniforms should not be taken home and are expected to be hung up properly. It is the responsibility of each student to keep track of all uniform needs. A casual uniform is sometimes used which would be the current Show T-Shirt, Blue Jeans, and athletic shoes.
Hondo High School Band performs a unique tradition simply called "Pre-Game". Shortly before kickoff the band will march out in formation on the feild to perform the School Song, Fight Song, and National Anthem. Students will then move to the stands where they are allowed to drink water and set up for performing during the games.
With approx 6-8min left in 3nd quarter, the band will move to the track area to circle up and warm up for the halftime show. The band will run through the show, tune, and go over any last minute instructions. It is also during this time that a student led prayer happens. This is optional for each band member to participate in the prayer. At home games, Hondo will perform 2nd, after the visiting band. After we perform students move back into the stands for water and a snack.
Our goal in the stands is to provide positive support to the Hondo Owl Football Team and Fans. Students are to remain engaged throughout the game and are not allowed to be on phones. We will play when our football team is on Defense or at key times during the game. Students will remain in their section and actively participate each time the band is playing.
When the game ends the band will perform the School Song for the team. We will then take our seats and go over any instructions/announcements. We will end the evening with a Drill Down and be released (home) or load trailer (away). If a student will be riding home with parents instead of the bus please review the checkout instructions below.
This is an important process that MUST be followed or else a student will lose checkout privileges. If a student is NOT going home on the band bus then there are a few steps to take. If a parent/guardian is taking their child home, all they have to do is sign out their child with the Band sign out book after they are released. If a student is going home with someone who is not the band bus or their parent/guardian then they must fill out and sign a Travel Release Form found on the front page of the webpage. (Click Here) Then whoever is authorized on that form MUST sign out the student after band is over. We use the sign out book as a record in case questions come up or in case of an emergency so that every band student is accounted for.
Students must be eligible to participate. If a student was in DAEP or is not academically eligible (passing all classes). They are not allowed to participate with the band at football games.
For home games, students are usually "off" from the end of school until "call time". Call time is when students should be at the band hall. This times will be sent out in the weekly update each week. Call time for Home Games will typically be around 6PM. For away games please see the weekly update for a schedule. Sometimes students will have time off after school but other times we may actually be leaving before school ends, depending on where the game is. Students and Parents should pay close attention so that all supplies and equipment are prepared for the game.
Full marching uniforms are kept at the band hall for use as we need them, these uniforms should not be taken home and are expected to be hung up properly. It is the responsibility of each student to keep track of all uniform needs. A casual uniform is sometimes used which would be the current Show T-Shirt, Blue Jeans, and athletic shoes.
Hondo High School Band performs a unique tradition simply called "Pre-Game". Shortly before kickoff the band will march out in formation on the feild to perform the School Song, Fight Song, and National Anthem. Students will then move to the stands where they are allowed to drink water and set up for performing during the games.
With approx 6-8min left in 3nd quarter, the band will move to the track area to circle up and warm up for the halftime show. The band will run through the show, tune, and go over any last minute instructions. It is also during this time that a student led prayer happens. This is optional for each band member to participate in the prayer. At home games, Hondo will perform 2nd, after the visiting band. After we perform students move back into the stands for water and a snack.
Our goal in the stands is to provide positive support to the Hondo Owl Football Team and Fans. Students are to remain engaged throughout the game and are not allowed to be on phones. We will play when our football team is on Defense or at key times during the game. Students will remain in their section and actively participate each time the band is playing.
When the game ends the band will perform the School Song for the team. We will then take our seats and go over any instructions/announcements. We will end the evening with a Drill Down and be released (home) or load trailer (away). If a student will be riding home with parents instead of the bus please review the checkout instructions below.
This is an important process that MUST be followed or else a student will lose checkout privileges. If a student is NOT going home on the band bus then there are a few steps to take. If a parent/guardian is taking their child home, all they have to do is sign out their child with the Band sign out book after they are released. If a student is going home with someone who is not the band bus or their parent/guardian then they must fill out and sign a Travel Release Form found on the front page of the webpage. (Click Here) Then whoever is authorized on that form MUST sign out the student after band is over. We use the sign out book as a record in case questions come up or in case of an emergency so that every band student is accounted for.
Students must be eligible to participate. If a student was in DAEP or is not academically eligible (passing all classes). They are not allowed to participate with the band at football games.